Bronco Off-Roadeo Outpost

Anyone going?

It’s locally in August the two days after the Dream Cruise. I signed up for Monday because it looks like they rented the place out for that day (no flags required it seems).

If I had not been to Off Roadeo, I would. I have been to Holly Oaks enough now that I probably wouldn’t pay a premium to go with a guide, but I found the Off Roadeo team to be very knowledgeable and the time with them in TX :100: worthwhile.

I did the one in AZ, which I loved. I’ve been to Holly Oaks zero times with my car (once for a drive event otherwise). Mostly cause I have not gotten around to getting a flag.

I’m sure they will do a good job. Holly Oaks is fun, especially when it’s dry or frozen. The mud is a whole different level of difficult to clean up, so I have to be really excited to go there when it’s been wet (like most of spring). It’s not that bad, but it does require pulling of your skid-plates to get the mud out. It takes me a couple of hours, even after going at it pretty hard with my power washer.

Well with it raining most of this weekend its going to be messy I think. Something I was hoping to more or less avoid for multiple reasons, so yea, this will be fun.

It’s a fun park, just be ready for a couple of hours of cleaning.

Naw, I’ll just dump it back off at MotorCity AutoSpa. They got my car looking pretty clean last time for like $250 (engine compartment and underneath).

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We will want a report on how the event went!

So it was interesting. Monday they had the whole park rented out. There where only 3 of us (so me and two other Broncos) we had the guides in the front and rear cars. One of the Ford, I think marketing, guys was there to get feedback (I should have gotten his name could have looked him up at work). There were also Bronco Nation people there (two of them). So the staff was 1:1 with the participants (I was alone the other two Broncos were couples).

Guides were guys who did the Off-Roadeos. One from Texas (he’s now in Tennessee setting up the new facility there), the other from Moab. Both guys super knowledgeable, super cool. I liked them a lot. Everyone of us there was at a “regular” Off-Roadeo so we had a more casual day.

They took us around Holly Oaks, we did some rock climbs, some fording, some sand stuff, and then we did some hill climbs on both trails and the “Magna mountain” Was it a good time, yes, was the cost in line with what you got. No. I’d say for 50% off the cost it would be 100% worth it.

Did my truck get muddy, a little, mostly in the wheel wells, I washed them off at a spray and wash, and now its just “regular” dirty with a bit of build up underneath like you get when driving dirt roads all the time.

Sounded like they are looking to do other opportunities like this. Things like recovery, or trail rides, etc…

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My guess, insurance makes up a big chunk of the cost. Glad it went well and glad the mud wasn’t to bad!