Bundy Hill April 27th

Hey mud slingers, wanna go get tangled up in some mud and ruts? After just last weekend going to Bundy hill with Brian I am excited to go back with hopefully more of us this time. While we were airing up we met Jacob who is now a member. Jacob just got his Everglades and he would like to go back with a group. I have put a date of April 27th to gauge interest. Thank you everyone.


I am interested in checking out the park. It will be a game time decision for me. Hopefully your get some takers.

Cant unfortunately but loved it and would live to return again sometime.

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I’m going to go ahead and cancel this, not enough interest. I will see you all at Bronco the Mac.

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It’s interesting, spring is often tough to get people together. I think it’s sports and school. I posted it on Facebook to drive interest, I am still interested, but would like to do it when I know it’s on the dry side if I have a choice.